Saturday, October 24, 2015

                   The Hall Of Statues


I recently went to the Constitution Center in Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. My favorite part of going there was to see the Hall Of Statues. At first, the statues seemed scary to me, but then I got used to them the more I looked at them. The picture above was my favorite part of the room. I like the way Benjamin Franklin looked like he was taking a selfie if you were to put a phone in his hands. The room was filled with everyone that was the day these historical people published the Constitution between Britain. The statues would look at you sometimes from faraway, so that's part of the reason I did NOT stay in the room for long.

What I learned at the Constitution Center was that they kept a copy of the Constitution in the building and every night, it would descend to an underground place, where it would be kept for the night, just in case someone would love to steal the Constitution.  

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