Sunday, October 25, 2015

Constitution center.

          In this picture is George Washington and I. I was in a room of all the statues of people that were famous back then.  These people were famous because they're the one that established what we have today. And example of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other people. On the other hand my favorite person in the room was Thomas Edison. The article that I read that was right next to him was very fascinating and also inspired me that rhey struggled back then but still got what they wanted.  Also my other famous statue that was in the room was George Washington .   He Is my second favorite dad chill because he was the one that led the war. Not only that but in front of George Washington was a touch screen where you can write your signature and have your signature in the Declaration of Independence . I thought it was cool. To Conclude , I thought that this trip  was the most interesting and fascinating trip I've ever been to.
I forgot to mention we also saw wax statue of the presidents during that time period.


              We went to Constitution hall and we learned and did many interesting things. To kick of the tour we use clickers to answer questions relating to the 27 Amendments. I learned that the first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights. Also that James Madison was an important part of the Constitution. He was an important part of the constitution because he wrote it. He was called the father of the Constitution. Then we time lined all the events of the war and the signing of the Constitution. We saw a 15 min. show about how the past and made us who we are now. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

                   The Hall Of Statues


I recently went to the Constitution Center in Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. My favorite part of going there was to see the Hall Of Statues. At first, the statues seemed scary to me, but then I got used to them the more I looked at them. The picture above was my favorite part of the room. I like the way Benjamin Franklin looked like he was taking a selfie if you were to put a phone in his hands. The room was filled with everyone that was the day these historical people published the Constitution between Britain. The statues would look at you sometimes from faraway, so that's part of the reason I did NOT stay in the room for long.

What I learned at the Constitution Center was that they kept a copy of the Constitution in the building and every night, it would descend to an underground place, where it would be kept for the night, just in case someone would love to steal the Constitution.  

   On a recent field trip I had to go to the Constitution Center. I have to admit that the Signer's Hall was the part that everyone remembered clearly I can tell my classmates agree since many did their blogs about the Signer's Hall also. What amazed me and what I also learned was that the statues were in the positions that the founding fathers were in during September 17 1787. Also there were 55 original delegates but only 41 showed up at the signing of the Constitution. A fun fact being 3 of the 41 present George Mason and Edmund Gerry of Virginia, and Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts did not sigh it because they thought it was a flawed document. This was definitely my favorite of the trip.      

Friday, October 16, 2015

Constitution Center

This is a picture of Signers hall. This was the part of the field trip I remember the most because I bumped Ben Franklin and said, 'Will you please get out of the way?' After I realized he was a statue, I stated laughing. I also picked George Washington's nose. I tried to sign my name on the constitution, but the line was too long. Signers hall was my favorite part of the trip
hello fellow tigers. its Arianna!!  whats up
Hi I'm Christopher
Your assignment for the Constitution Center is to blog about your experiences. All posts must be submitted through Blogger. (The link will be available at the very bottom of this announcement)

This assignment has 2 PARTS!

1. Post a picture (it has to relate with your experiences in the Constitution Center) 
2. Write a paragraph or two describing your experiences in the Constitution Center. (It has to relate to the picture you posted)
3. What did I learn in the Constitution Center? (This has to relate to the picture your posted)

You must respond to a minimum of 1 other student :)