Friday, November 20, 2020

Food For Thought #2


Topic: Society

Welcome to my second post on Food For thought where I deliberate on my thoughts when I space out. Today’s thought comes from the time I was watching a video and just stared at it for a bit with thoughts slowly pouring into my head without me really noticing. Society something that everyone is part of whether they like to or not in one way or another someone is a part of society even though they say they aren’t or are we all contribute in some form. We can chose what society we fall into but we are always a part of society as a line from a personal favorite poem “the soul select her own society -”- Emily Dickinson. Now the question is what society do we live in what drives us and what are we looking for as an entire group and why do we seek it. I have recently started to notice that our society is mostly focused on social media lately where people have normalized the idea that social media is a place where we can seek out comfort from others and make friends with other people who have similar interests. This very blog is an example of how this society can be driven off of social media, there is also the fact that many issues are concluded on the internet whether the outcome is good or not.  Many people have taken matters into their own hands and have singled others out and have harassed others to the point they are kicked off of the internet or until they apologized but that still doesn’t really solve the issue so they are still bullied on the internet. Well I find this a suitable place to leave this topic off I know again this topic might be a bit too deep even for the second post but I still love to be able to freely talk about some serious topics which I don’t really have a chance to talk to much about. Please leave your thoughts in the comment and tell me how you felt about this though


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